Vidusburtnieks Total site surface area (ha): 1742 ha Project site surface area (ha): 70 (Vidusburtnieks 1) + 209 (Vidusburtnieks 2) NATURA 2000 Code: LV0000120 Site description The site is situated in northern Latvia. The project site consists of a meadow area that belongs to the floodplain zone of the Seda and Rūja Rivers. Seda has not been dredged in this section. However, its immediate surroundings have been remarkably transformed, including forest planting, and thus they are not interesting from nature protection point of view and, consequently, not included in this project. Selected meadows have undergone drainage works in the western part of the site and have been fragmented by ditches. There are several separate oak-trees along the northern border of the project site and a small wooded meadow area in the northeastern part of the area. Main part of the Rūja river floodplains has undergone a heavy drainage and thus is fragmented by overgrown ditches into small meadow patches. Ruja River forms the eastern border of the site and it has not been dredged in this section except for a ca 800 m long shortcut made to lead water away from a larger river bent. The original river bent and the shortcut create an island that is regularly flooded and where both separate oaks and small wooded meadow is located. Both meadow-areas have been abandoned at least for the last 15 years, but used for seasonal hunting activities, primarily on large mammals. Nature values The site contains one of the highest Crex crex* densities in Northern Vidzeme and it holds one of 5 Gallinago media leks in the northern part of Latvia. The site holds 5 nationally protected bird species and 3 nationally protected invertebrate species. This meadow area is also quite unique because it is already separated from water-contributing Seda river due to land transformation, however, it still maintains biological values. Site is a part of an IBA that meets criteria A1 for Crex crex*, Gallinago media and criteria B1i for Anser fabalis and Anser albifrons. Altogether site hosts 3 bird species listed in Annex I of Birds Directive including a priority species Crex crex*. Site also qualifies as pSCI hosting Osmoderma eremita* and also a small area of 6530* Fennoscandian wooded meadows.  Please visit photo gallery, to see more pictures about Natura 2000 territory "Vidusburtnieks" Nature management plan is worked out on 2005 by Mr. Jānis Gailis (Latvian Fund for Nature). Latvian online version of full text document available here. Summary (in English): 28518/Vidusb_ENG.pdf (78.03 KB) Publications: Brouchure for stakeholders (in Latvian) available here Booklet for visitors of Natura 2000 sites around Burtnieki Lake - download here Online version of information boards - 1 + 1  |