Cena Mire
Structure & Staff
Collaboration Raise of NGOs and Population
Baltic Aquatic Warbler
Waste Paper
Site Management Plans
Implementation of Mire Habitat Management Plan
Restoration of Floodplains
Northern Gauja Valley
Lake Engure
Other projects
Literature & Publications


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Protected nature area since 1999

Area 2133 ha

Protection status

  1. Nature Reserve
  2. Important Bird area (IBA National code 030) 2868 ha
  3. Natura 2000 site (LV 0519800)

Importance in national and EU level

Habitats. 7110*, 7140, 7120, 3160, 91D0* (* priority habitat of EU Habitat Directive Annex I). Cena Mire is a unique mire because it is one of the few raised bogs of Latvia that possesses the features of the coastal raised bog type as includes Trichophorum cespitosum and also the features of eastern bog type as the habitat for Chamaedaphne calyculata. Now the central part of Cena Mire is rather small undamaged mire which has left from one of the largest raised bog complex of Latvia in the past.

Flora. Protected species of vascular plants and bryophytes: Betula nana, Trichophorum cespitosum, Dactylorhiza maculata, Eriophorum gracile, Calypogeia sphagnicola, Odontoschizma denudatum, Sphagnum pulchrum, Splachnum ampullaceum

Fauna. The main values of the site are raised bog habitats that are highly important for about 22 protected bird species of Latvia and EU importance, for example: Dendrocopos leucotos, Lanius collurio, Pluvialis apricaria, Grus grus, Haliaetus albicilla, Dryocopus martius, Circus aeruginosus, Tringa glareola, Tetrao tetrix and others. Cena Mire is an important overnight area for Anser fabalis and A. albifrons and is one of the best nesting areas of Grus grus in Latvia.

Main threats

Raised bog has been influenced by drainage that was carried out between 1930s and 1980s. Drainage has affected the natural active raised bog succession, leading to the reduction of the open bog habitats. The drainage system is still functioning. Peat extraction in the unprotected part of Cena Mire has negative influence to raised bog habitats as well.

Planned actions and results: 

  1. Elaboration of management plan.
  2. Preparation of technical designs for building dams.
  3. Building of dams with the aim to stop the degradation of the raised bog habitats.
  4. Preparation of technical designs for the construction of nature trail in the bog and for building nature tower.
  5. Building of nature trail in the bog.
  6. Building of watching tower in the bog.
  7. Preparation of booklet about the site.
  8. Establishment and installation of information boards and signs.
  9. Monitoring of the influence of management actions.

Pictures from the Cena Mire

 Management plan for Cena Mire

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