Chronology, reports and photos of LIFE-Nature project "Restoration of floodplains" organized study tours, visited conferences and experience exchange events. Study tour to the areas of Great Snipe breeding habitats, Trondheim, Norge, 29.06.–04.07.2005. Photo, report Study tour to Matsalu National Park in SW coast of Estonia, 04-05.08.2005. Photo, report Participating in the International LIFE-Symposium “Riverine Landscapes: Restoration, Flood protection, Conservation”, Breitenwang, Reutte in Tirol, Austria. 26.09.–30.09.2005. report Study tour to LIFE-Nature project Lintulahdet sites in Southern Finland, 15.-17.08.2006. Photo, report, presentation Hosting of experience exchange delegation from Finland's environmental sector - visiting of LIFE-Nature "Restoration of floodplains" sites, 19.–22.04.2006. Report Participation in international Green Week "Biodiversity is life" organized by European Commission, 05.–08.06.2006. Report Experience exchange in National Park of Pripjata River in Belorussia, 03.–08.05.2006. Photo, report Participating in "Wetland Restoration and Management Conference". Fyn County, Denmark, 19.–21.04.2006. Photo, report Participation in conference “Sustainable agriculture, water management supported by LIFE in Natura 2000 sites across Europe” in the framework of the LIFE project “Lafnitz - cross-linking habitats along an Alpine -Pannonian River” Buchschachen, Austria 06.11.–07.11.2006, report, programme Participation with stand in international Green Week "Past lessons Future challenges" organized by European Commission, 05.–08.06.2007. Photo, report Study tour to Svartadalen (Black River Vally), Sweden, 24.–26.08.2007. Photo, report Participation in international conference “Monitoring the effectiveness of Nature conservation” in Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 03.09.– 06.09.2007. Report  |