Lake Burtnieks meadows
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Lake Burtnieks meadows

Total site surface area (ha): 179

NATURA 2000 Code: LV0532700

Site description

The site is situated in northern Latvia. The project site consists of 2 separate meadow areas located along the shore of Lake Burtnieks. Both meadows are areas adjacent to river mouths of Briede and Eikenupe. Meadow of the Briede River has not been drained, however, it is dissected by a former riverbed of Briede River - an oxbow overgrown with dense shrub and tree belt. Very small part of the meadows is still mown while the remaining part has been abandoned at least for the last decade. Meadows of Eikenupe River have been drained in the river mouth area and a dense ditch network has been created. Most of the ditches are overgrown with trees and bushes, thus the meadows are fragmented and increasingly overgrowing. Largest part of the meadows has been abandoned, however approximately one fourth of the meadows are still managed by horse grazing.

Nature values

The site has high Corncrake Crex crex* density. The site is also interesting because it has partly maintained its importance due to continued horse grazing, which is untypical for floodplains. The site hosts at least 6 nationally protected bird species.

Site is a part of an IBA and meets IBA criteria A1 for Crex crex* and criteria B1i for Anser fabalis and Anser albifrons. Altogether site hosts 3 bird species listed in Annex I of Birds Directive and they are targeted by the project including a priority species Crex crex*. Site qualifies also as pSCI and one habitat type of Annex I, Habitats Directive, 6450 Northern boreal alluvial meadows are targeted as well.

Please visit photo gallery, to see more pictures about nature reserve "Lake Burtnieks meadows"

Nature management planis worked out on 2005 by Ms. Liene Salmiņa (Latvian Fund for Nature). Latvian online version of full text document available here.

Summary (in English): 28520/Burtnieks_ENG.pdf (100.11 KB)


Brouchure for stakeholders (in Latvian) available here

Booklet for visitors of Natura 2000 around Burtnieki Lake - download here

Online version of information boards  -  here

There are 2 information boards made in summer 2006 for this territory. They are integrated in newly made tourism track - "Vīsrags track" in cooperation with UNDP/GEF project "Biodiversity Protection in North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve". There are alltogether 4 large information boards, 11 smaller information stands and birdwatching tower at the end of the track.

Project's main page in English



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