Raķupe meadows
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Raķupe meadows

Total site surface area (ha): 2583

NATURA 2000 Code: LV0514200

Site description

The site is situated in the northwestern part of Latvia. The site is complex: it includes Raķupe River valley and the adjacent habitats: dry and moderately moist meadows, springs, agricultural lands and coniferous (mainly pine dominated) forests. Areas with the latter habitat groups face different range of problems than covered by this project, thus they will not be actively managed. In general, floodplain area (except the northern part) is generally narrow, but still it holds remarkable nature values. Large areas are permanently or temporarily flooded due to beaver activities. Floodplain area is mostly covered by grasslands with individual oak trees, which are overgrown to a different extent because of abandonment. Seasonal hunting and low intensity recreational fishing are the only human activities in the river valley.

Nature values

Generally, the site is one of the best remaining floodplain sites in northwest part of Latvia. The density of the calling Crex crex* is among the highest in northwestern part of Latvia. Site hosts a large number of nationally rare plant (21) and invertebrate species (over 10) listed in the Red data book. At least 16 nationally protected bird species are found in the site.

The site meets IBA criteria A1 for Crex crex*. Altogether site hosts 16 bird species listed in Annex I of Birds Directive and 8 of them will be targeted by the project including 2 priority species: Crex crex* and Aquila pomarina*. Site also qualifies as pSCI hosting Osmoderma eremita*. Eight habitat types listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive are present in the territory and 5 of them will be targeted by the project, including 2 priority habitat types 6270* Fennoscandian lowland species-rich dry to mesic grasslands and 6210* semi natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) as important orchid habitat.

Please visit photo gallery, to see more pictures about nature reserve "Raķupe meadows"

Nature management plan

is worked out by Baltic Environmental Forum. Latvian online version of full text document available.

Summary (in English): 28524/rakupe_summary_ENG.doc (35.00 KB)


Brouchure for stakeholders (in Latvian) - here 

Booklet for visitors of Raķupe vally - download here

Online version of information boards  - 1, 2


Project's main page in English



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