Svçte floodplains
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Svçte Floodplain

Total site surface area (ha): 904

NATURA 2000 Code: LV0303200

Site description

The site is situated in the central part of Latvia. The site includes regularly overflowing meadows and agricultural fields at Svete River outfall in the Lielupe River and on the right opposite side of the Lielupe River. Floods occur regularly, since existing drainage systems can prevent flooding only to some extent, mainly focusing on safety of human settlements. The area is flat with few or no vertical elements (trees, buildings) and thus very favourable for different meadow bird species. Following main habitat groups are represented in this area: grasslands 50%, agricultural habitats 42% and permanent or temporary wetlands 8%. Some dystrophy old riverbeds can be found in the area, too. A part of the territory is still managed (primarily mowing, cow grazing on the right bank of the Lielupe river), but scope and intensity of these activities are decreasing. Occasionally some former meadow areas are being ploughed (especially NE part), which is unfavourable for target species. Quite intensive recreational fishing activities are ongoing along the riverbanks.

Nature values

The density of the calling Crex crex* is the highest in central Latvia, but probably also in whole Latvia. The site holds the only permanent Gallingo media lek in central Latvia. Site holds over 10 nationally protected bird species. One of the most important, and annually stable, waterfowl stopover site during spring migration. Numbers of many species reach internationally significant criteria. Nationally and regionally important bird watching spot.

Site is an IBA and it meets IBA criteria A1 for Crex crex*, both criteria A4i and B1i for Cygnus cygnus as well as criteria B1i for Anser fabalis, Anser albifrons and Anas acuta. Altogether site hosts 11 bird species listed in Annex I of Birds Directive and all of them are targeted by the project including 2 priority species Crex crex* and Aquila pomarina*. Site also qualifies as pSCI containing 4 habitat types listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive and all of them are targeted by the project including a priority habitat 6270* Fennoscandian lowland species-rich dry to mesic grasslands.

 Svçte River in August 2004

Please visit photo gallery, to see more pictures about nature park "Svçte floodplains"

Nature management plan:

There is nature management plan for Svçte Floodplain writen by Mr. Rolands Lebuss from Latvian Ornitological Society. Latvian online version of full text document available.

Summary (in English): 28522/Svete_summary_ENG.doc (29.00 KB)


Brouchure for stakeholders (in Latvian) available here

Booklet for visitors of Svçte Floodplain - download here

Online version of information boards  - 1, 2, 3

 Project's main page in English



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