Sita and Pededze floodplains
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Sita and Pededze floodplains

Total site surface area (ha): 958

NATURA 2000 Code: LV0532000

Site description

Site is located in northeastern part of Latvia in floodplains of junction area of rivers Pededze and Sita. Almost all area of the site is meadows except a small oak forest cluster occupying approximately 1% of the territory and 2 rivers crossing the site. Pededze River generally has steep banks while Sita River has sloping banks. Thus usually flooding of the territory occurs from Sita River. Northwestern border of the site is marked by Mugurupe River with sloping banks that also cause regular floods to the territory. Floodplain area of Sita (eastern part of the territory) has undergone heavy drainage in order to reduce the spring floods: a channel has been built along the original bed of Sita river up to its discharge into Pededze in order to lead off the spring waters more rapidly. Also a network of ditches has been created. They are overgrown with bushes dividing the open area of meadows into clusters. About 90% of the territory is not managed. Over 40ha in North part of the site is fenced for commercial deer hunting. Number of animals is rather low (less than 1 animal per hectare); therefore it seems to be compatible with nature conservation purposes. Meadows along Pededze River are drier and they have been less affected by drainage. There are scattered oaks and oak groups in the meadows.

Nature values

Site is the best example of the floodplain meadows in the whole northeastern part of Latvia. Site holds one of the highest densities of calling Crex crex* in this region and also it hosts the region’s largest Gallinago media lek. The site is the only or one of the few localities for 5 protected bird species in the region. Site hosts 25 nationally protected bird species either as breeders or regular migrants, 3 nationally protected mammal species, and 3 nationally protected invertebrate species, 2 nationally protected plant species and 2 nationally protected habitat types. The site is nationally one of the best sites for conservation of floodplain meadows and wooded meadows. Regarding the territory size and density of the calling Crex crex*, this is nationally one of the best sites for this species.

The site is an IBA and meets the IBA criteria A1 for Crex crex* and Gallinago media. Altogether it hosts 17 bird species listed in Annex I of Birds Directive and 10 of them will be targeted by this project including 2 priority species – Crex crex* and Aquila pomarina*. The site qualifies also as pSCI hosting 3 species listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive and 1 priority species (Osmoderma eremita*) are targeted by the project. Three habitat types listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive are present in the territory and 2 of them are targeted by the project (including 1 priority habitat 6530* Fennoscandian wooded meadows).

Please visit photo gallery, to see more pictures about nature reserve "Sita and Pededze floodplains"

Nature management planis worked out on 2005 by Ms. Liene Salmiņa (Latvian Fund for Nature). Latvian online version of full text document available.

Summary (in English): 28513/SitaPededze_ENG.pdf (100.19 KB)


Brouchure for stakeholders (in Latvian) available here

Booklet for visitors of Sita and Pededze Floodplains - download here 

Online version of information board - here

Project's main page in English



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